
Barbie & Ken's Wedding

I recently stumbled upon an online magazine "Bridal Guide" and found the cutest photo shoot of Barbie & Ken's wedding!  While I would imagine Barbies' wedding being MUCH more elaborate, these photos were really intriguing and brought me back to my childhood years of countless weddings and events created with my own Barbies.  I hope you enjoy this shoot as much as I did!

(Photographer credit: BdG Photography Original story credit: Rock & Roll Bride


Quote for today! (and everyday for that matter)

"Respect peoples relationships.  There's so many fish in the sea, why mess with one that's already been caught?" - Kimora Lee


I create style- Live, Love, Life, FASHION!

Model: Dasha
Photographer: Durtfreelee (Durtfree Photography)
Styling & Make Up: Cam-Marie

Dress by Cam-Marie
Coat: vintage fox fur (private collection)

Strapless bra embellished by Cam-Marie
Chiffon blouse, suede blazer, super slim fit trouser, Carlos Santana heels, leather travel bag, 24" string pearls.